Storing information and records digitally gives access to people from all over the world. New York is home to some of the best digital collections of historical records. The New York Public Library and the New York State Library are just two examples of comprehensive digital records that are available to the public.
Researching your family history in New York
Looking up ancestors is a popular pursuit for many people. New York has some great resources that can help you in your quest. Here are some tips on where you can find genealogical information and some advice to help you on your search.
New York historical information resources
There is an absolute wealth of historical resources available in New York. Sometimes it can feel a bit overwhelming trying to find the specific information you are interested in. Here is some information on some of the more popular sources of historical records in the state.
How to find New York obituaries
Many people often search historical records for obituaries. They are most commonly sought after by people that are trying to research their family trees. This guide lists the top sources for finding obituaries in New York and also has some suggestions to help you find the obituary you are looking for.